Michael Bartlett
Georgia Athletic Association Professor, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Research Interests: ADME of drugs and environmental toxicants; impact of compounds on memory,
cognition, and neuropathic pain; oligonucleotide therapeutics and biomarkers
Steven Beach
Distinguished Research Professor, Psychology; Co-Director, Center for Family Research
Research Interests: Epigenetics, marital and family processes, marital discord, depression and anxiety in close relationships, self-processes in relationships
Mark Brown
Professor, Entomology
Research Interests: Neuro-endocrinology of development, reproduction, and metabolism in insects; evolution of peptide hormone structure and function
Jarrod Call
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology (Exercise Science Programs)
Research Interests: Skeletal muscle physiology, mitochondrial physiology, regenerative medicine, muscle electrophysiology
Paige Carmichael
Professor, Pathology
Research Interests: Inherited diseases, general pathology, ophthalmic pathology, digestive pathology, integumentary pathology
Brett Clementz
Professor, Psychology; Director of the Bio-Imagining Research Center (BIRC)
Research Interests: Structural, functional & genetic abnormalities in schizophrenia
Julie Coffield
Associate Professor, Toxicology
Research Interests: Toxicology, neurotoxicology, cellular mechanisms of Botulinum neurotoxins
Brian Condie
Associate Professor, Genetics
Research Interests: Genetic analysis of mouse pharyngeal development and the development of new tools for chromosome engineering
Brian Cummings
Professor, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences;
Professor and Director, Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program
Research Interests: Molecular toxicology, cell signaling, prostate cancer, anti-cancer, kidney
Krzysztof Czaja
Associate Professor, Veterinary Biosciences & Diagnostic Imaging
Research Interests: See website
Steve Dalton
Professor, Cellular Biology; GRA Eminent Scholar of Molecular Cell Biology
Research Interests: Stem cell biology, development of cell therapies for type 1 diabetes and cardiovascular disease; pluripotent stem cells in early development and induced pluripotent stem cells; cell reprogramming
Claire de La Serre
Assistant Professor, Foods and Nutrition
Research Interests: Pathways by which diet composition affects energy balance; influence of energy-dense diets on gut microbiota composition, gastrointestinal (GI) functions and inflammation; how changes in microbiota composition can affect gut-brain signaling to promote overeating
Rodney K. Dishman
Professor, Kinesiology
Research Interests: see website
Gaylen L. Edwards
Department Head, Physiology & Pharmacology; Georgia Athletic Association Professorship in Veterinary Medicine
Research Interests: Neural processing of abdominal sensory information. Control of ingestive behavior and autonomic function
Jonathan Eggenschwiler
Associate Professor, Genetics
Research Interests: Mechanisms controlling tissue patterning during mammalian embryonic development
Adviye Ergul
Regents’ Professor, Physiology; Co-Director Physiology Graduate Program
Augusta University
Research Interests: see website
Susan Fagan
Distinguished Research Professor, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy; Assistant Dean, Augusta University Program
Research Interests: Stroke, experimental therapeutics, angiotensin modulation, recovery, angiogenesis, vascular protection
Nikolay (Nick) M. Filipov
Professor, Physiology and Pharmacology
Research Interests: Neurotoxicology; neuroimmunology — communication of the nervous and immune systems in health and disease; basal ganglia disorders
Dorothy Munkenbeck Fragaszy
Professor, Psychology; Director of the Primate Behavior Laboratory
Research Interests: Flexible instrumental behavior (problem-solving), perception, manipulation, and skill learning in primates (capuchin monkeys); the developmental bases of flexible behavior, and the contribution of social learning and social context to the expression of flexible behavior
James Franklin
Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Research Interests: Mechanisms underlying neuronal apoptosis with a focus on the basic cellular mechanism by which mitochondria contribute to this type of neuronal death, as well as the role of mitochondria in Alzheimer’s disease; drug discovery for treatment of filaria infections in humans, animals and plants
Silvia Giraudo
Associate Professor, Foods and Nutrition
Phil Holmes
Professor, Behavior and Brain Science Program (Psychology); Neuroscience Program Chair; Medical Partnership Faculty
Shelley Hooks
Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Daichi Kamiyama
Assistant Professor, Cellular Biology
Lohitash Karumbaiah
Associate Professor of Regenerative Medicine, Regenerative Bioscience Center, Animal and Dairy Science
Williams Kisaalita
Professor, Chemical, Materials, and Biomedical Engineering
Peter Kner
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
James Lauderdale
Associate Professor, Cellular Biology; Graduate Coordinator, Neuroscience
Jae-Kyung Lee
Assistant Professor, Physiology and Pharmacology
Hongxiang Liu
Assistant Professor, Animal & Dairy Science
Tianming Liu
Distinguished Research Professor, Computer Science
Jennifer McDowell
Professor & Chair, Behavior and Brain Science Program (Psychology); BioImaging Research Center