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Category: Spotlight Neuro

Student Spotlight: Katie Irwin

1. What research are you currently conducting in the lab?

I began working in the developmental neuroscience lab of Dr. Jim Lauderdale in January of my freshman year. The lab is working to establish the Anolis sagrei (brown anole) lizard as a new model organism for the study of vertebrate photoreceptive structures, and I direct my own project investigating the development of the anole parietal eye, also known as the third eye.

The parietal eye is a non-visual, photosensitive parapineal organ found in most lizards, frogs, the tuatara, and some fish. The lizard parietal eye, located on the dorsal midline aspect of the head, is remarkably well developed, possessing a lens, cornea, and retina. Very little is currently known about this intriguing organ, and major questions remain about how the structure develops in the lizard. Is parietal eye development similar to that of the lateral eye? Does its formation employ gene networks common to both organs?

To address these questions, I am investigating the parietal eye’s morphological and molecular development compared to the lateral eye in the anole, hypothesizing that parietal and lateral eye development employ similar gene networks. I initially constructed a timeline of parietal eye morphogenesis for all stages of embryonic development as well as the hatchling and adult, providing a critical framework for the analysis I then began conducting on the molecular mechanisms employed in parietal eye formation, using immunofluorescence techniques.

To the best of my knowledge, my work presents for the first time a detailed view of the parietal eye structure and cell morphology in the adult and developing lizard embryo, as well as the first extensive analysis of gene expression in the parietal eye.

Undergraduate Katie Irwin conducting research in a biology lab

2. What are some of the big implications your research could potentially have in the world?

Understanding parietal eye development will provide a unique system, not present in humans or many other vertebrates, for gaining insight into mechanisms underlying formation of vertebrate eye structures. For instance, I have shown differences in the histogenesis of the parietal eye compared to the lateral eye that suggest a new, and very unexpected, pathway for lens induction. The parietal lens develops from neural ectoderm rather than from surface ectoderm as it does in the lateral eye, and this unique feature of the parietal eye allows the study of how lens structures can still develop from a different embryonic origin. Analyzing genes such as Pax6, Six3, and Sox2 in the parietal eye may shed light on the functions of crosstalk between the lens placode and optic vesicle in lateral eye formation, as the lens placode is absent in parietal eye development.

Better understanding of the specific roles of parietal eye regulatory networks could complement lateral eye studies to lead to future therapies for eye-related disorders. For instance, one condition known as aniridia is a panocular condition that involves malformation of many eye structures caused by mutations in the PAX6 gene. Only the lizard provides such an easily accessible, structurally relevant model for enhancing understanding of eye formation through its parietal eye not present in most other vertebrates.

3. In your opinion what is the most fascinating neuroscience research that has been published this year?

The recent discovery of a previously unidentified type of neuron in the human brain, the rosehip neuron, by scientists at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle and the University of Szeged in Hungary was particularly interesting to me. The cell, with its large axonal boutons and dense arborization, is named for its resemblance to a rose that has shed its petals. This GABAergic neuron subtype, which the researchers found synapses onto pyramidal neurons in the cortex, has never been seen in rodents. While the study did not definitively prove the absence of rosehip neurons in rodents, the likelihood that this neuron subtype is indeed absent in rodents has important implications for the use of the mouse as a model for human neurological disease and may help explain some instances in which drugs that worked in mice failed in clinical trials. Additionally, studies that analyze the presence/absence of the rosehip neuron in non-human primates and other animals could help lead to a better understanding of factors that set the human brain apart.

4. Why did you choose to go into neuroscience?

No more ironic unknown confounds scientists than the brain, the very organ that permits us to ponder its mysteries in the first place, so this collection of neurons that control the complexity of who I am is the subject that has consumed my interest since middle school. I’ve always loved tackling challenges and solving problems, and the field of neuroscience contains some of the biggest and most puzzling unanswered questions in science.

Beyond the mystery of the brain, its centrality to the human experience draws me to neuroscience. Conditions that affect the brain change the way people interpret and interact with the world. Because the brain controls things like emotion, memory, movement, sensation, and communication, neurological diseases are often particularly devastating.

The field of neuroscience thus expressly accommodates my interests in both medicine and research and my desire to pursue a career as a physician-scientist. Neuroscience provides an intersection of medical care for people with some of the body’s most intrusive diseases and the opportunity to explore unresolved questions that may have serious implications in the lives of many, in addition to unique ethical implications for society as a whole.

5. What is your favorite spot on UGA’s campus and why?

My favorite spot on campus is Herty Field. On a nice day, you can always find people picnicking or throwing a ball next to the fountain. It’s a great place to relax, study, hang out with friends, or enjoy a couple UGA traditions; jumping in the fountain and ringing the Chapel Bell right next to Herty Field are two of my favorites.

Student Spotlight: Samantha Spellicy

1. What research are you currently conducting in the lab?

Currently I am researching the therapeutic efficacy and anti-inflammatory potential of neural stem cell derived extracellular vesicles (NSCEV) in multiple neurodegenerative diseases such as stroke, and Parkinson’s.

2. What are some of the big implications your research could potentially have in the world?

If NSCEV do attenuate universal proinflammatory pathways, they have the potential to be neuroprotective in a range of devastating neuronal pathologies. In turn, this would help preserve not only the quality of life of millions of stroke and Parkinson’s suffers worldwide but may also be expanded to help other disease sufferers as well.

3. Could you give us a snapshot (i.e., brief description) of what a typical day looks like?

On a typical day I usually start with tending to any cells I have in culture, such as mesenchymal stem cells, neural stem cells, or primary cell cultures. As part of this process I use sterile culture techniques to change media or passage cells, all while in a sterile culture safety cabinet. After this, I can start the process to extract extracellular vesicles from the conditioned media of these cell cultures or plan out experiments for upcoming days. Depending on the day, I may also then begin primary cell extraction processes, or attend various neuroscience sponsored seminars or journal clubs. Lastly, I will conduct live cell imaging studies with the advanced imaging systems we have available here at the Regenerative Bioscience Center.

4. Where could we find you outside of the lab?

When I not in the lab I usually tying to enjoy the sunshine as much as possible. Wither that means playing softball and volleyball, reading or napping in a hammock, or enjoying the patio of a coffee shop downtown, I am usually tying to enjoy as much of the outdoor Georgia weather as possible.

5. What was the last book you read? 

The last book I read was Patient H.M: A story of Memory, Madness, and Family Secrets. This book chronicles of the story of a Henry Molaison, and individual with refractory epilepsy whose clinical outcomes following a tragic invasive surgery has come to shape our understanding of modern neuroscience.

Student Spotlight: Austin Passaro

1. What research are you currently conducting in the lab?

I am currently researching neuroinflammation in the context of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and the therapeutic potential of extracellular vesicles. More specifically, I am examining anti-inflammatory effects (and underlying mechanisms) of neural stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles (NSCEVs) on microglia and the downstream effects on motor neuron survival and electrophysiology.

2. What are some of the big implications your research could potentially have in the world?

There are currently very few treatment options for ALS, and none that are significantly effective. Neuroinflammation is receiving substantial attention currently for its roles in many neurodegenerative disorders and a better understanding of these pathological mechanisms will allow for improved therapeutic development for ALS and many other disorders. In addition to this basic science aspect, EVs have significant translational and therapeutic potential and may be utilized as a therapeutic themselves if found to be effective.

3. Could you give us a snapshot (i.e., brief description) of what a typical day looks like?

I typically get into the office around 9:00am and have some coffee while catching up on emails and planning out my day. The rest of my day typically involves a variety of activities: reading papers to stay up-to-date on current literature and what other researchers in the field are doing, as well as learning potential new techniques and ensuring my experiments are designed; carrying out any necessary lab work – since I do a lot of cell culture, this usually involves thawing/maintaining cultures, recording neural activity, imaging, or any other experiment-specific assays or procedures; going over (or editing) experimental plans and making sure I am staying on track with all of my planned experiments. Finally, I frequently have meetings or seminars to attend that are scattered throughout the day, which serve to keep me involved on campus and with other like-minded researchers, as well as being a nice way to break up the day (not to mention they often have free food!).

4. Where could we find you outside of the lab?

Outside the lab, you can find me relaxing outside, at a baseball game, or hanging out with friends. I’m constantly trying to enjoy Athens whether it’s at a restaurant downtown, trivia, or any of the other fun things to do here.

5. What was the last book you read? 

A Tale of Two Citiesby Charles Dickens. When I have time to read outside of the lab, I tend to gravitate (no pun intended) toward sci-fi/fantasy, but I’ve also recently been making an effort to read some of the classics I never got around to or maybe don’t remember as well as I’d like.