Dr. Graeme Mason to speak to UGA Neuroscience Community

Graeme Mason will speak on “Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Brain Metabolism of Glucose, Acetate, and Ethanol” at 3:30pm Thursday, December 3 in Room 175 of the Paul D. Coverdell Center.
Dr. Graeme Mason develops experimental models and methods for studies of brain metabolism using 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry in conjunction with 13C isotopic labeling invivo, in cell preparations, and other systems. His work began during his graduate studies at Yale where he used a rat model for the experimental determination of brain glucose transport kinetics, energetics, and neurotransmitter metabolism. Dr. Mason received further training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where he guided the group’s 13C-labeling studies of the human brain in vivo in the 4.1T whole-body MR system.
Dr. Mason currently studies metabolism and neurotransmission in the brain in vivo, including effects of psychiatric disorders and substances such as alcohol and nicotine. Dr. Mason examines healthy subjects and patients to investigate relationships among GABA, glutamate, and glutamine concentrations and their rates of synthesis and release in the brain, in particular with regard to effects of alcohol with acute and chronic use.
This seminar is co-sponsored by the Neuroscience Division of the Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute as well as The Paul D. Coverdell Neuroimaging Training Program & Fellowship from the John and Mary Franklin Foundation.
If you are faculty member interested in meeting with Dr. Mason during his trip, please complete this Doodle Poll: http://doodle.com/poll/4w5tcduz67tuv2da or contact Dr. Jesse Schank.